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Education Programs

A large part of our mission is public outreach which includes building up the next generation to care and be stewards of our oceans and the many diverse ecosystems and creatures they hold. Partner with us for a tailored learning experience in person or virtually. Pick from one of the many virtual programs we offer below. 



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school Visits

Have LMMN visit your school (in person or virtually)! Our outreach coordinator will bring bones, a presentation, and activities for the classroom. Each visit is tailored to the classroom's interests, standards, and availability.


Email to set up your visit today!

Program Topics:


Marine Science Career's

Learn about some of the many marine science careers out there as well as how Brooke became one, what LMMN is, and gather some really great tips for how to become a marine scientist!


All About Marine Mammals

Marine mammals are just like us! Except they live under water and have a lot of different adaptions. Learn about the characteristics of marine mammals, some of the marine mammals we see here in the Lowcountry, and how we can best help them. 



Marine Mammals have been around a long time, and live in a variety of ecosystems. Learn about the many adaptations these animals have that make them successful in their environment. 



(a.k.a. fission fusion society)

Learn all about the unqiue, dynamic relationships bottlenose dolphins have and why they form.


Strand Feeding 

Stranding feeding is a crazy cool and unique behavior that we get to see here regularly in the lowcounty. But what is it, how did it start, why do they do it, and how does it differ across the globe?

For more information or to book a program, email


Human Impact & Ocean Conservation 

Learn about some of the ways the ocean has been impacted by humans as well as ways we can help!



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To report a stranded marine mammal call: (800) 922-5431


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@2016 Lowcountry Marine Mammal Network.

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